Friday 18 November 2016

A tribe Where women cut off their Fingers at the Loss of a Loved one. And their Men? Interesting Outfits!

In the highlands of Western New Guinea, Indonesia, lives one of the world's most isolated tribes,the Dani tribe.

One of their customs is the wearing of an unusual piece of underwear - the Koteka - worn by males which is commonly referred to
as a penis sheath and women in the tribe have been known to cut off the end of their own fingers to mark the loss of a relative.
As well as their quite liberal view towards clothing, the tribe are also well known for their unique practice of self mutilation. After the passing of a loved one, relatives are expected to cut off the top part of their fingers as a sign of respect and grieving.

This is meant to show that one is actually grieving the loss of a loved one and some people end up cutting off more than one finger in a lifetime. However only the women cut off their fingers! Most eye catching of all is their traditional male attire....

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